Pocket TV: For Android ICS on your TV

Pocket TV is a micro computer pendrive with specs like 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 CPU, 512MB RAM, 4GB of memory, a USB port and a microSD card slot. Most interestingly, it is installed with the operating system Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). You just need to connect it to your TV HDMI port to experience using Android on the big screen. All the things that you can do on the phone android 4.0, now you can also do it on TV. Gadget is also supplied with two remote options to control the display on the TV. The first remote controller is like a regular TV using the infrared. The second remote is a remote water is rather interesting bit because gyroskop installed it and how to control the cursor on the TV using only hand gestures like a Wii controller Gadget is still in the process of raising funds on Kickstarter and you can buy with prices starting at $ 99 supplied with the regular controller or $ 135 supplied with remote water.