Microsoft accept 430 million u.s. dollars from android

It's no secret to any sales of Android devices, Microsoft join to get the results. This is thanks to a patent owned by Microsoft that is used in the operating system that Google hosts. Money in royalties from Android's Microsoft is apparently no small value.

Based on a report from the Research Institute Trefis was quoted as saying from DigitalTrends, last year Microsoft has brought home money 790 million u.s. dollars. This fantastic value only from Android devices for sale HTC and Samsung.

Other research institutions, Gartner has been counting, if Microsoft received 1 US dollars from each of the 50 percent
of Android devices that are sold, then the company will receive a minimum of 430 million US dollars year this 2013.
It for a count of 1 US dollar. If Microsoft receives 8 dollars for each Android devices, it will swell into a 3.4 billion US dollars.

Sales of Android devices continues to increase predicted would make
Microsoft richer. In 2017, according to the Gartner prediction, will produce 1.5 billion Android devices from a variety of models and vendors. In that year, Microsoft is expected to receive
5.9 billion US dollar With 8 US dollars from each of the 50 percent of Android devices sold.
The amount could increase to 8.8
billion US dollars, if 75 percent of all Android devices sold.

With this fantastic income, many
questioned why Microsoft should have struggled engage Android user move to the Windows Phone. Until Microsoft made a special campaign by making application "Switch to Windows Phone" in Android


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