Designing Ubisoft Ghost Recon make movies


Ubisoft's involvement in the film got a good start in which he managed to get the services major Hollywood star Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy as the main character in the film Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell.

Most amazing is Ubisoft did not want to give creative direction to Hollywood, which is the cause of the video game-based movies like Doom and Super Mario Bros. failed.
In an interview with the LA Times, the CEO of Ubisoft Motion Pictures, Jean-Julien Baronnet announced he was planning to make the film Ghost Recon.

With the names of the biggest video game Ubisoft in the process of making the film, the movie project fans have to hope Ubisoft does not end in tragedy.

Ubisoft has not announced any details about the films so far.


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