Facebook While Ability Test VoIP

Canadian users can initiate a call by pressing the "i" button on the right interface app and then press the "Free Call". Users need to increase their Facebook app to use this function and calls made over data networks that are already on the iPhone

If Canada gets to use free voice calls, Facebook users in other countries can make a voice message or voice mail. VoIP test was conducted jointly latest updates Facebook app for iOS and Android

However, this function has been used in MSN Messenger and YM and there's not much use anymore. In fact, voice recording opens vast opportunities for users to make mistakes.

To record a voice message, the user must press the "+" in the next text area to type a message and then press the "record" while recording sound. When you have finished recording, release the button and voice mail will continue to be sent to your friend. If you want to cancel the message, while recording, so you move from the "record".

This can be seen as a way to record and send a voice message in one simple movement, or misdirected voice mail, as well as with the simple movement. Whatever, the addition of this function is increasing applikasinya way and find new ways to "entertain" users.


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