Ubuntu Phone OS: Can he succeed ?


Prior to this we ran an article about Mozilla Firefox OS. However, there are some more Mobile OS stuff, including Ubuntu Phone OS developed by Canonical Ltd.

Ubuntu Phone OS

Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system developed by Canonical Ltd. Originally it was designed for desktop PCs, laptops and servers. Most people who use the software developers are even suitable also for use by anyone.

Ubuntu Phone OS is a version of Ubuntu designed specifically for telephone pintar.Daya antaramukanya pull lies in the design which is different from the popular icon grid interface in Android and iOS. He relied on horizontal and vertical swipe to select frequently used app on my smart phone.

Despite the ability of the interface has not been proven in the real world, it provides a spacious and flexible interface than its competitors.

A lot of effort has been poured into cariannya function where the search will take the results from a variety of sources and the OS is smart to determine which search results are the results you are looking for. With support for voice commands and HTML5, it is an OS which is quite interesting.

However, as good as anything the OS, if it is not fitted with the appropriate hardware, it is useless. It was designed to run on hardware based on x86 and ARM processors, but not anymore news of a partnership with each hardware developer. Even the founder of Canonical Ltd., Mark Shuttleworth said Ubuntu Phone OS first smartphone will only appear on the market in late 2013 or early 2014.

What is confusing is figuring out how Ubuntu Phone OS will be compared to its competitors. Generally know that iOS and Android dominate the smartphone market, and there are a few more open source mobile OS that will be launched this year as Tizen, Firefox OS, and Sailfish.

Shuttleworth admitted that the mobile OS market has been rife with competitors, but he remains confident vision of Ubuntu Phone OS to unify under a single OS platform will win the hearts of users. Canonical also do not have a big budget like Microsoft and RIM, but the excess on Ubuntu interface Phone OS is a classy and user friendly.


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