Is it hard to refit the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Samsung's latest Android Smartphone is relatively easy to repair. One factor that makes it easy for technicians to refit the device is the Samsung decision that allows consumers to easily remove the battery (removable battery).

iFixit repair guides, mobile devices, who has dissected Samsung Galaxy S4, deliver the numbers 8 out of 10 for repairability (repair).The higher the value, the more easily a product for repair.According to iFixit, one advantage of Samsung Galaxy S4 is the ease in replacement of battery components. Samsung does allow all users to install and remove the battery, without the need for any tools.


Usually, when the battery easily
removed, the technician will be easier to open the casing of the device and access its internal components.

Mere information, premium
smartphone device battery from the circulating lately are usually not disassembled pairs with ease. This can occur because the
manufacturer normally glue the
battery into the casing of the product. Some examples of products that are difficult to removed the battery is One, Sony Xperia HTC Z and Apple iPhone 5
In addition, Galaxy S4 is also very easy
to open. Access to the internal
components are also not too
difficult.However, there are some
drawbacks of Galaxy S4 of the repair. Turns out, on the screen, Samsung brings together the screen and also the frame of the screen. This merger will increase the cost of repair is assessed because if there is one part
that is broken, then the consumer has to pay for the two parts at once.


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